Expert Instructions
In order to ensure a safe workplace, every employee must be instructed at regular intervals in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) and numerous occupational safety regulations. According to § 12 ArbSchG and § 4 DGUV regulation 1, employees in a company must be instructed at least once a year with regard to safety and health protection; minors at least every six months. Instruction is the employer's duty. He can, however, delegate it to a professionally qualified person.
We at Attenberger GmbH have specialized in various areas and can therefore carry out the following training:
- Instruction for forklift drivers
- Instruction for aerial work platforms
- Instruction for crane operators
- Instruction on transport security
- Instruction in handling hazardous substances
- Instruction of dangerous goods
- Instruction / training of safety officers
- Instruction / training of managers

Requirements for an Instruction
- Initial training before starting work
- Recurring instruction, at least once a year
- Recurring instruction for young people, at least every six months
- Activity and workplace-related instruction
- Event-related instructions, e.g. after accidents, near-misses
- Instruction in the presence of new or different hazards and stresses (e.g. new or changed machines, change of job, employees of temporary employment agencies, etc.)
Contents of an instruction, i.a.
- Employees' rights and obligations
- What to do in the event of an accident
- Preventive fire protection measures and what to do in the event of a fire
- Personal safety equipment
- First aid (facilities and organization)
- Addictive substances in the workplace (medication, drugs, alcohol)
- Handling machines
- Activities with hazardous substances
- Work-related health hazards due to mental stress
Further services are available on request at